Five on Friday: The case of the missing words

​The words are missing and can’t be found. Missing words make writing pretty difficult it turns out.

The words were not on this cracker

At first I was resentful that my fellow lioness blogger had stolen them as she seems to be posting but not me. But then a lovely woman today encouraged me to write about where the missing words might be.


These are the places that I have looked for them

  1. Suzy might have them. Suzy and I started blogging at the same time with the same amount of gusto. Recently she has been posting a little more. Her last post I haven’t been able to read as I was seething with resentment. She’s taken all the words. We were at an event the other day and Shea writing things down and I’m thinking…we’re at the same event, hearing the same words and she’s taking the words and now I can’t use them. I said to the person next to me…she’s frigging blogging.  I did speak to Suzy and she has almost reassured me that there are enough words for both of us.
  2. There was a tip off that there were a bunch of words at the bottom of a large bag of salt and vinegar chips. I got to the bottom. It was a false trail.
  3. There are loads of words on Facebook but most of them are trump and cats and not what I am needing right now. I keep looking in case some want to come home with me. It’s 2am in a manky club and all my friends have pulled and I can’t even get the  really unpopular words to come home with me.
  4. Jenny Lawson seems to have written every word that I have ever wanted to write in Furiously Happy. She leaves me no option but to tell the stories that should never be told. It’s gonna be all xojane, first person confessionals. 
  5. There are no words in shoe shops either. Or clothes shops. Or book shops. But I looked all the  same.

It started to feel like the words would forever elude me. I couldn’t understand when we had been on such good terms. Then I remembered that I had been sad and tired and the words were taking a rest while I looked after myself. They were still there, but they were very quiet. Trying not to disturb me while I got my bearings. As soon as they heard me ask for them, and look for them, they started to show their heads.

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